Despite the fact that MacBooks are often regarded as superior computers due to their ability to provide consistent performance, they are not without problems. The crashing and freezing issue, which causes a virtual nightmare, is one of the most typical difficulties identified on macOS. But don’t worry; this is where our expert advice on how to solve MacBook crashing and freezing problems comes into play.
So, what could be the cause of your MacBook crashing and freezing?
There could be more than one cause for your MacBook’s abrupt crashing/freezing. For example, the issue could be caused by obsolete software and overcrowded storage.
Furthermore, troublesome apps that haven’t had an update in a long time may also be to blame. As a result, we’ll investigate all of the common possibilities and try to eliminate them.
Delete all the apps that aren’t needed.
It’s no secret that old programmes may create a slew of problems. They not only slow down your MacBook, but they also tend to deplete the battery. Furthermore, they are subject to cyber threats. As a result, you should maintain track of obsolete apps and delete them as quickly as possible.
On macOS, deleting apps is a simple process. Go to the Applications folder and drag and drop the unnecessary apps into the trash. To authenticate the removal of the programme, you may need to enter your administrator password.
Update all of your apps.
Updated apps play a critical role in keeping a MacBook running smoothly. As a result, you should ensure that your apps are up to date. To get started, browse to the App Store and select your profile. Then, on the sidebar, select the Updates option. You may now update all of your apps at once or one by one.

If you’re wondering how to instal apps outside of the App Store, the procedure is just as simple. Launch the app in question and select the menu option from the upper left corner of the screen. Then, select Check for Updates and update to the most recent version. Most, if not all, apps have a check for updates option somewhere in the menu section.
Remove all the clutter from the storage area to make it more efficient.
Crashing and freezing difficulties on MacBooks are frequently caused by overcrowded storage. As a result, the first thing you should do to resolve this issue is to optimise your device’s storage.
macOS provides a better technique to free up space by deleting trash, such as vast and unneeded files. First, pick ‘About This Mac’ from the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen. After that, go to the Storage tab and select Manage.
Then, empty the bin and declutter by going through the large files and deleting those that are no longer needed.
Upgrade your Operation System
Last but not least, always make sure you’re running the most recent version of macOS. macOS, like iOS, has been afflicted by a slew of problems in recent years. As a result, the chances are good that the issue is caused by an OS bug that causes the MacBook to crash or freeze at random.
Apple has always been exceptional when it comes to identifying problems and quickly resolving them. The Cupertino-based business continues to release fresh upgrades in order to fix bugs and improve speed. As a result, the software update may eventually resolve the issue.
If nothing else works, go to a reputable repair shop.
What if none of the aforementioned techniques has helped you solve your MacBook’s malfunction? Don’t worry; this is where StarLabs can help with a quick and affordable repair.
We are driven to give the best Apple repair service in Singapore, backed by an experienced staff of super techies. So, contact us as soon as possible to have your MacBook repaired so that it can resume offering top-notch performance.